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Nest E Thermostat problem. Fan always on

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I had this problem when I first installed my nest and I had an ac tech install a common wire and that resolved my problem, but now that I've switched to using the heat. This problem has randomly returned. I've been using the heat for a few weeks now and it wasn't doing this. It stated yesterday and nothing shuts the system off. Does anyone have a suggestion/solution?

Top Comment:

The only time I've heard of that is when the system kicks the fan on(I'm pretty sure airwave is nest excuse for having to do this) is when for some reason its not getting enough juice to keep the battery fully charged. It'll kick on the fan to allow itself to charge up. I think as you've added a C wire after installation, you may need to factory reset the system and unplug it from your wall and then reinstall and set it back up.

| Forum: r/Nest

How loud should a fan be on my new Xbox 360 E? : xbox360

Main Post: How loud should a fan be on my new Xbox 360 E? : xbox360

| Forum: r/xbox360

Was Tolkien a Robert E. Howard Fan?

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Although it is possible to trace many of Tolkien’s story themes and plot devices to their origins in northern mythology and literature, he certainly does not intend to hint that his readers should superimpose a map of ancient Europe and the Near East over his imaginary chart of Middle-earth, as one is supposed to do, for example, with the world of the Hyborian Age wherein the fantasy writer Robert E. Howard laid the scene for his swashbuckling stories of Conan of Cimmeria... which, by the way, Tolkien has read and said he rather enjoys...”

— Lin Carter, Tolkien: A Look Behind the Lord of the Rings

Carter’s source for that statement was L. Sprague de Camp, who met Tolkien in person in February 1967.

A visit discussed within his anthology Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers (1976):

Tolkien said he found the antology interesting but did not much like the stories in it ... We sat in the garage for a couple of hours, smoking pipes, drinking beer, and talking about a variety of things. Practically anything in English literature, from Beowulf down, Tolkien had read and could talk intelligently about. He indicated that he ‘rather liked’ Howard’s Conan stories.”

During our conversation, I said something casual to Tolkien about my involvement with Howard’s Conan stories, and he said he “rather liked them”. That was all: we went on to other subjects. I know he had read Swords and Sorcery because I had sent him a copy. I don’t know if he had read any other Conan besides “Shadows in the Moonlight”, but I rather doubt it.

-Literary Swordsmen and Sorcerers (1976)

we also have an interview with The Telegraph

which was conducted one year after his meeting with De Camp.

Where Tolkien was asked about his reading preferences: “In any case, I don’t read much now, not even fairy-stories. and then I’m always looking for something I can’t find.”

When asked what that was. He replied, “Something like what I wrote myself.”

Top Comment:

I doubt that Howard was aware of Tolkien. He killed himself a year before The Hobbit was published. It’s been said that Howard was very well read and had a unique passion for studying history, I’m not sure he’d have had access to Tolkien’s more academic works all the way out in Texas. I’m a big fan of both, and glad that recently Howard is receiving more credit for his creations.

October 23, 2019 | Forum: r/tolkienfans

Fan Control on X570-E Gaming

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Hey Guys,

I'm confused.

I just build my new PC with a friend and everything runs smooth except the fans.

I went into the BIOS settings and there my misery started. We installed an AIO so I disabled the "CPU Q-Fan Control" - because according to my understandig there is no classic "CPU-Fan" in my system.

So far so good. In my case (SilentiumPC Signum SG7V EVO TG ARGB) are 4 x 120mm fans preinstalled. These fans are plugged into the PVM ARGB Splitter.

When I turn on my PC and I open Armoury Crate and set the Fan speed to "Standart", the temps and fan speeds in desktop are fine.

Until I turn on a game. Then the fans start to go full speed and then again low speed at very short intervals.

I went into BIOS again and set the Seetings to "DC-Mode" (3 Pin fans) - doesn ́t solve the problem. I tried to manually adjust the fan curve but he doesn ́t allow me to go lower then 60% usage.

HWMonitor shows 4 fans on my Mainboard: AUXFANIN0 (same RPM as Chassis #2 according to HWMonitor) AUXFANI2 (same RPM as Chassis #4 according to HWMonitor) Chassis #2 Chassis #4

The fact that the Motherboard shows 4 fans confused me even more. Shouldn ́t it show 7? 4 Case fans + 3 AIO fans.

My questions are:

  1. Is disabling the CPU fan the correct way?
  2. Why does my PC goes against the settings given by Armoury Crate?
  3. How can I set those fans that there is a steady and constant amount of cooling to minimize the turn up and down thing?

CPU temps are fine. Never above 80 degree.

Thank you in advance & have an awesome weekend!


Top Comment:

Hey there,

What kind of AIO is it that you installed?

Also, you're thinking far too radically for what a motherboard BIOS or 3rd party software is able to detect when it comes to fans Per header... I have the X570-F so near identical board.

All it will show - per header- is the RPM of 1 fan. Fan hubs usually only have 3 of the 4 pins in use on the headers After the 1st one because it's not necessary to have them.

In my system I have 10 fans, 3 on my AIO, 3 intake, 3 top exhaust and 1 rear exhaust - My motherboard only reads the PWM RPM signal of the 1st fan of each group per header (I have Lian Li Unifans, they physically join together). I have 1 bank on the CPU fan header, 1 on the chassis1 one on chassis2 and the other rear exhaust on the m.2 header.

My AIO also has it's Pump connected to the CPU fan-opt header so it speeds up and slows down with the fans when necessary. I Could put it on the pump header but it's control-style is very "dumb" in aisuite/armory crate.

If the AIO is mounted to your case fans, you will want to plug those specific ones into the CPU fan header - otherwise you may damage the aio.

| Forum: r/ASUSROG